
Yuu Baal cares about the environment

Yuu Baal cares about the environment and strives to minimize their impact on mother nature in various ways. One of Yuu Baal’s major projects is planting agave thereby returning harvested plants to the earth and the local communities.

The first step in this process was to select and acquire suitable lands for both the young and mature plants. The nursery area in Vista Hermosa Etlá , where the seeds are planted and the young plants can thrive, required extensive terraforming and adapting. As the existing land was on a hillside, this included, marking out contour line, leveling the slopes with bulldozers and graders, turning the soil for 11 days, marking and then raising the beds, removing stones, fertilizing and composting the beds, and finally, sowing the seeds which, in this case, was done by hand.

After the young plants are of sufficient size and strength, they are carefully removed from the nursery beds, roots trimmed and prepped, and then transplanted to the maguey field in Miahuatlán, where they will mature to full size. Here an irrigation system was installed.

Meanwhile the nursery beds also require continued maintenance for the next planting. Finally, success! Healthy, mature and organic maguey ready to be transplanted to their final home to mature for another 7-8 years. Brought to you with pride by Yuu Baal.